Registration of your cleaning company (license permit)
CHAPTER 3 -: This is the third chapter of »The complete guide to starting a cleaning business«. You cannot run a business without first legalizing it. Dealing with legal problems is one of your top priorities when trying to start a new business. What exactly does the word “legalization” refer to? In very simple terms, legalizing your business is the act of obtaining a license or permit that will allow you to run your business operations without any hindrance from state, municipal or municipal authorities.
If you believe that you can run a business without going through the formalities of legalizing it, then you should be prepared to put yourself at the mercy of the government that is more likely to close its doors and prevent you from doing business on your personal terms. Being a law abiding citizen is of the utmost importance to being a successful entrepreneur. Don’t be tempted to take evasive shortcuts and evasive loopholes. These antics will only serve to immerse you in deep water.
Business legalization rules and regulations differ from city to city. You need to know these rules beforehand in order for your business to be registered and up and running. Do your homework on the rules and regulations of the city where you plan to open your cleaning business. Here are some of the most common licenses and permits you need to purchase to start your business:
Business licenses and permits you need for a cleaning business
1. Business license : the first thing you need to legalize your business is the official permission to do so from the city council. This permission comes in the form of a business license. When contacting the city’s business licensing department, you will be asked to complete a business license application. The city council authorities will carry out a series of standard procedures to ensure that the location where you intend to start your business is conducive to a new business.
2. Permit from the Fire Department
Next in line of importance is the permit from the City Fire Department. This is essential for cleaning companies as they often use flammable materials when running their business operations. If you are going to store flammable items in your store or headquarters, you must allow the Fire Department to enter and inspect your premises to ensure fire safety. In the event you avoid this inspection or ignore the need to receive a permit from the Fire Department, you may be cited for possession of flammable items.
Obtaining a permit from the Fire Department
Since you handle, store or use materials or equipment that are dangerous to life and property; also materials or products that are considered highly flammable, then you must request it to the corresponding authority to obtain the permit; before being able to store highly flammable materials or products in your facilities.
Different states in the United States of America have their own requirements for those who wish to obtain fire department permits, but we will do our best to cover the basic steps that you must follow and the conditions that you must meet before you can obtain a permit. of the fire department for their facilities. Here are some of the steps you must take to obtain a permit from the fire department;
- Please inquire about the requirements and address of the nearest office. Fire Department – You can search online for the address of the closest fire department office in your state. Once you get the address, contact number, or email address, you can contact them to give you the necessary requirements for someone who wants to obtain a fire permit for their facility.
- Obtain, complete and submit your application form – be sure to include all necessary supporting documents before submitting. It is important to note that you cannot email your fire permit application form; It will not be accepted. You should take the completed form to the nearest fire department office or mail it in.
- Include your site plan, floor layout, and proof of insurance when submitting your application form: The truth is, if you don’t include these documents when submitting your applications, you won’t get a permit from the fire department.
- Make sure your facility is ready for inspection before Submitting your request form: It is important to note that before a fire department permit can be issued, your facility will first be inspected by fire department officials. If your facility does not meet the requirements, you will not be issued a fire permit. So before submitting your application form, make sure your installation is in order and everything that needs to be in place is in place. Things like emergency exits, fire extinguishers located in strategic positions within the facility, designated fire points, and other fire safety devices, etc. It’s one thing to get a permit from the fire department; Another thing is to retain the permission. The truth is that, If you do not comply with the fire department rules and regulations on fire safety, your fire permit will be revoked. So, make sure you adhere to fire and safety rules and regulations, and also expose your employees to best fire safety practices, etc. Before your permit can be issued: If you can meet the requirement of your state fire department office, your application will be approved within a few days. If your application is approved, you will be advised to pay the required fee before the permit can be issued. The fire permit application fee ranges from $ 300- $ 400. If you are applying for a fire permit in San Francisco, USA, you will be required to pay $ 330.00 before the permit can be issued.
3.Air and water pollution control permit
Air and water pollution endanger the environment every day. As a modern entrepreneur, you must have a “green” eco-friendly approach to your business. Cleaning companies are often blamed for polluting the environment by releasing toxic waste outside and into the sewers. To ensure that your business has nothing to do with these malicious accusations, obtain a permit from your City’s Air and Water Pollution Control. It is important to note that laws regarding air and water pollution will differ from city to city. Make sure you are well informed about these rules and regulations before starting your cleaning business.
Obtaining a water pollution permit for a cleaning business
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is responsible for regulating the discharge of wastewater and you should contact them to find out if the nature of your business will require an Air and Water Pollution Permit. If you are supposed to get one and you don’t, and you went ahead to discharge the sewage, your business may be closed and you will be fined.
Similarly, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates air pollution in the United States of America, they are responsible for cleaning a business and granting them permission to operate if their activities involve the release of offensive gases and chemicals. To the environment. If this agency does not regulate industries, it will be easier for industries to release gases or chemicals that will affect human and animal respiration, cause pollution in the atmosphere, affect visibility, and also attack our ecosystem. These chemicals and hardened gases when released into the atmosphere can cause cancer or lung and other related diseases. Now let’s quickly consider the steps to take to get an air and water pollution permit for your business;
- Check with the appropriate authority to find out If you need to obtain an air and water pollution permit for your business: the nature of the business you plan to start will determine whether you would need an air and water pollution permit before you are allowed to enter in operations. The best way to find out is to visit the office or Environmental Protection Agency closest to you to make the necessary inquiries. But you are sure that you would need to obtain an air and water pollution permit if your business is in some form of manufacturing that involves the release of waste products (chemicals and gases) into the environment.
- Register your business and obtain the required Operations License: If you are sure that you would need to obtain an air and water pollution permit for your business, then the first step to take to begin the process of obtaining the permit is to register your business with the government of your country. The truth is, the Environmental Protection Agency will not consider your application for an air and water permit if they find out that you do not have your company’s certificate of incorporation. Therefore, be sure to incorporate your business before approaching the relevant authority to apply for an air and water pollution permit.
- Prepare your facility and process to meet the required standard during inspection: It is important to note that once you submit your application for an air and water pollution permit, officials from the Environmental Protection Agency office will inspect your facilities and your production and waste discharge process before your application can be approved and then the permit will be issued to you. So make sure you’ve made the necessary arrangements before submitting your application.
- Obtain the Air and Water Pollution Permit Application Form, complete the form as required, and attach the necessary supporting document prior to submission – If you are confident that your facility is ready for inspection, then you must obtain the air and water permit application form, fill out the form as required and then attach the necessary supporting document before submitting the form to the appropriate authority. It is important to indicate that you cannot send the form by email.
- Submit your applications and wait for them to be inspected and approved: Once your permitting air and water pollution application has been submitted, you will be given one day for inspection. Your request will not be approved until the agency is sure it has a security mechanism in place. So what you are expected to do while waiting for the inspection is to make sure that your facility, production process and waste disposal process are in tip top shape. You can call in experts to help you achieve this.
- Pay Required Fee After Approval-: After a few days or weeks of inspection, you will be informed if your air request and water pollution permit is approved or if you still need to work on your facility, production process or process waste disposal to meet the required standard. If your application is approved, you are expected to pay the required fee before your air and water permit is issued. Typically, the fee varies from state to state and country to country. If you live in the US, you are expected to pay around $ 25 / ton or $ 32 / ton. You can visit for the current rate.
- Gather your permit and make sure you meet your organization’s expected standard if you don’t want the permit revoked – Once you have successfully paid for your air and water pollution permit, you will be given a date to pick up the permit. It is important to note that your air and water pollution permit may be revoked if it does not meet the expected standard. Your organization must continue to meet the standard set if it is to continue to maintain your permission. Therefore, be well informed that your air and water pollution permit is not permanent. In fact, you are expected to stay up-to-date with the best practices in your industry if you want to continue to maintain your air and water pollution permit.
4. Sales Tax Certificate
The Sales Tax Certificate is essential to start any business, much less one that is based on a cleaning service. There are two simple reasons why you need to purchase this certificate. First, it will allow you to pay taxes on the products, products, and services that you sell. Second, it allows you to collect sales tax from your customers. Failure to purchase a Sales Tax Certificate will be considered an attempted tax evasion.
How to get a sales tax certificate for your cleaning business
If you are in the business of buying and selling things, it will be to your advantage to apply for and obtain a sales tax certificate if you intend to maximize profits from your business. The sales tax certificate is a certificate that allows the buyer to make tax-free purchases. With your sales tax certificate, when you buy things that you intend to resell, you can buy them without sales tax. In fact, in addition to requesting and obtaining your own sales tax certificate in order to participate in wholesale distributions of goods, the sales tax certificate is required when you want to open a business checking account.
There are basic requirements that you must meet if you want to obtain a sales tax certificate and it is also important to note that different states in the US have their own requirements for those who intend to obtain the sales tax certificate. The truth is that obtaining a sales tax certificate is not a difficult process and it is inexpensive, especially if you meet the requirements before applying. You can visit the official website of the state you want to apply to, to check its unique requirements and how to apply.
Basically, most states will prefer that you download the application forms from their website, fill out the forms, and then mail them to your office, while some would not mind if you fill out the forms online. Now let us consider the steps you would need to take if you want to obtain a sales tax certificate;
- Make sure your business is legally registered-: Before you can apply for a sales tax certificate, your company must be legally registered with the corporate affairs commissions in your country. In fact, your business must be involved in buying and reselling (wholesaling) so that you can maximize the sales tax certificate. You can visit the nearest corporate affairs commissions in your country to register your business.
- Check with your nearest internal revenue office or local district office – there are different requirements from different states in the United States when it comes to issuing sales tax certificates. So what is expected of you is to visit the nearest internal revenue office or local district office to inquire about the requirements you must meet if you want to obtain a sales tax certificate.
- Obtain the forms, complete and attach the relevant supporting document – You have the option of downloading the forms online or heading to the nearest local district office to pick up the application forms. Please attach the appropriate supporting document before submitting.
- Submit your completed application forms to your local district office – your applications will be reviewed and, if you meet the requirements, you will be issued a sales tax certificate.
- Pay Required Fee – The process of obtaining a sales tax certificate is not stressful and the fee is inexpensive. You will have to check with the local tax office around you or visit their website online to confirm the current rate. Typically after payment your requests will be processed and if approved your sales tax certificate will be mailed to you or you may be asked to come to your office to pick it up.
Lastly, it is important to note that there are two categories of sales tax certificates. We have the regular sales tax certificate and the temporary sales tax certificate. The specific sales tax certificate you need depends on your business activities. The temporary sale certificate has an expiration date, while the regular sales tax certificate does not.
As a novice entrepreneur, all of these formalities can seem terribly complex to you. They will undoubtedly consume many of your hours prior to launching your business. No matter how long these legal procedures take to complete, remain patient and calm. Failure to comply with the law is simply not an option. The importance of following the rules and regulations of your respective state or city cannot be stressed enough – the moment you look beyond these laws, that is when you jeopardize the success of your business. Think of it as a short-term pain that leads to long-term gain. Once you cover the legal parts of starting a business, your cleaning business will do just as well as a new vacuum cleaner.